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  • Wicking (Adhesive-Backed)

  • Wicking (Adhesive-Backed)

This is the highest quality Kevlar based aramid wicking, used by the top manufactures of fire arts equipment. We source our wicking from the top Kevlar textile manufacturer in the world.

Build your own equipment with this 1/8" thick adhesive backed wicking. Tight, durable weave for longevity and durability. Available in various widths, sold in measured lengths or bulk rolls. For bulk quantities of 100ft or greater, please email us at

WARNING: The adhesive on this wicking is not sufficient to hold it to a prop without additional fastening mechanisms (such as screws or rivets). The adhesive is simply a useful temporary hold.

We are currently out of all adhesive-backed kevlar wicking.

Ft x $1.00 =

We are sorry but this product is temporarily out of stock.
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